My cousin Maria Letizia and her husband have taken us all over the region with trips to the city of Latina and up to the ruins of the Temple of Jove at the beachside town of Terracina south of where they live. We also went to the lake at Fogliani and the mountain village of Rocca Corga – all beautiful spots.

The Lutero (my father’s) family have no chance of dying out – I have 17 first cousins 10 living in Rome and Sezze,3 in Venezuela and 4 in Australia. Their children are a total of 27 and their children as of now total 14 with two more on the way and many more to follow I’m sure. I have one aunt left in Australia and one in Rome. When they all get together with husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends it is a big gathering!

My cousin with whom we were staying invited all of the other cousins down to say goodbye to us and they came down after dinner about 9.30pm.  It was only the first cousins and their spouses. 

We had watermelon followed by icecream. The watermelons are blood red here and delicious.

The cousin and her husband with whom we had been staying gave us a big bag of three sorts of tomatoes to take with us as well as some lovely fresh eggs. Another cousin send three bottles of  prosecco and cakes.

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